Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Most Expensive Coffees In The World

Here is how gourmet or specialty coffee is defined by the SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America)... “Specialty coffee is defined as a coffee that has no defects and has a distinctive flavor in the cup…Like wine and honey, specialty coffee has a unique flavor thanks to the micro-climates that produce it.”. The SCAA also estimates the specialty coffee market at 12 billion per year: According to, here are the top ten most expensive specialty coffees:

Coffee: Kopi Luwak

Grown in: Indonesia
Cost: $160 per pound

Coffee: Hacienda La Esmeralda

Grown in: Boquete, Panama
Cost: $104 per pound

Coffee: Island of St. Helena Coffee Company
Grown in: St. Helena
Cost: $79 per pound

Coffee: El Injerto
Grown in: Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Cost: $25 per pound green at auction
Expected to retail for more than $50 per pound

Coffee: Fazenda Santa Ines
Grown in: Minas Gerais, Brazil
Cost: $50 per pound green at auction

Coffee: Blue Mountain
Grown in: Wallenford Estate, Jamaica
Cost: $49 per pound

Coffee: Los Planes
Grown in: Citala, El Salvador
Cost: $30 per 12 ounces ($40 per pound)

Coffee: Kona
Grown in: Hawaii
Cost: $30 per 14 ounces (about $34 per pound)

Coffee: Yauco Selecto AA
Grown in: Puerto Rico
Cost: $22 per pound

Coffee: Fazenda Sao Benedito
Grown in: Minas Gerias, Brazil
Cost: $21 per pound

(source- )

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